Школа- не комора знань, а світоч розуму

Школа- не комора знань, а світоч розуму


Відеоматеріали для цікавих уроків з англійської мови

 1. Good Morning, Mr. Rooster 

Клас:8                                                            Дата:01.12.15р.
Тема: Підсумковий урок з теми «Музика»
Узагальнити і систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми «Музика». 
Активізувати вміння учнів самостійно висловлюватись про свої музичні уподобання, улюбленого співака та музичну групу на прикладі створення проектної роботи.
Розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, говоріння та письма; вміння працювати в парах та групах.
Розвивати навички самостійної і творчої роботи.
Прищеплювати любов до прекрасного. Виховувати творчу особистість.
Обладнання: підручник О.Карп’юк, аудіододаток до підручника, комп’ютер, стінгазета, проектні роботи учнів, тематичні картки, фото зірок, записи пісень.

                                                        Хід уроку         
І Організаційна частина уроку
T: Good morning, my dear pupils! I’m pleased to see you again. How are you today?
P: Good morning, teacher! We are happy, we are nice, we are clever, we are wise!
2.Повідомлення теми і мети уроку
So, let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll have the conclusion lesson in the unit “Music”. We’ll speak about your favourite singers, bands, about your attitude to music and different kinds of music. You’ll recite poems, sing a song, present your project works and do a lot of different exercises.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
They say “Music makes our lives brighter and happier”, “Without music life is a journey through a desert”. Do you agree with these statements?
T: What is music for you?
P: In some way music is a language. People use it to express their moods and feelings.
P: Music makes me happy and brings me pleasure. I like music. When I have a bad day I like to listen to my favourite songs and a bad day often turns into a good one.
T: Where can you hear music?
P: We can hear music everywhere: from records and tapes, or on the radio; during television shows and movies; we can hear music in a church; in the concerts or in a disco.
T: Do you remember the poem “Music is everywhere”?
Ps: Music is everywhere;
In the birds of the air;
In the hum of the honeybee;
In the song of the breeze
As it shivers the trees;
In the river that murmurs
Over the stones;
In the snow wind that moans;
In the surge of the sea
Lapping the shore;
In the roar of the storm
Rattling the door;
In the drum of the rain
On the windowpane.
Music is here filling our ear.

And now, let’s listen to the Ukrainian variant of the poem.
Навіть птахи співають не раз
Та і бджоли гудять все гучніше.
Пісні вітру стають веселіші
А у річці водиця хлюпоче,
Яку камінь пускати не хоче.
Тут дерева тремтять голосніше,
Але стони вітру і снігу сильніші.
Бурі ревуть мов скажені,
Дощі пролились тут шалені
Музика заповнила все –
Все, що навколо живе.
T: Yes, really, music is everywhere. That’s why the motto of our lesson will be “Life without music would be a mistake”.
4. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Презентація проектних робіт учнів.
T: What was your home task for today?
Ps: The journalists of the first group prepared the articles about their favourite groups. And at the lesson we try to make up the wall paper from our articles. The second group prepared the presentation about their favourite singer.

ІІ Основна частина уроку
1.Повторення лексичного матеріалу
a) Mind Map
T: Let’s remember the words from the unit “Music”: types, instruments and people.
b) Vocabulary
I’ll give you a definition of a word and you must guess the word.
-         A person who sings  on the stage is (a singer)
-         People who watch the concert at the concert hall are (an audience)
-         What do people do with hands at the end of the concert (break into applause)
-         A group of people playing musical instruments together (an orchestra)
а)Слухання тексту учнями
T: Listen to the text about Volodymyr Hryshko.
What style of music does this singer prefer?
b) Контроль розуміння прослуханого.
Open your books at page 82 Ex.4 Put true or false.
3.Робота в групах
I give you a photo of one person. Your task is to describe this person, but don’t say the name. We shall guess the person.
a) She was born in a small village near Chernivtsi. She began to sing in early age. She is a Ukrainian pop star. She took part in Eurovision. She sings songs “Smile”, “Shady lady”, “One hundred kisses”. (Ani Lorak)
b) She is an American singer. She was born in New York on the 28th of March. Her Family was very poor. She is the international superstar and style icon. She is always different. She is always different. Her clothes is very strange. (Lady Gaga)
c) She is an African American girl. She was born on the Caribbean island of Barbados. She won the Miss Beauty. She formed a girl group when she was 15 years old. Her hit songs are “Unfaithful”, and “Umbrella”. (Rihanna)
Хвилинка релаксації
 4. Читання
a) Pre-reading task
a gist – суть, сутність
to rate – оцінювати
a deputy – депутат
an Ambassador of Good Will – посланець доброї волі
b) Reading
c) Post-reading task
Complete the sentences.
Ruslana Lyzhychko is a (Ukrainian pop singer). She won the (Eurovision Song Contest) in 2004 with her (Wild Dances). They gave her the Person of the Year Award in (Turkey). Ruslana is a very (sociable) person. She is active in (public) life and (politics).
5. Діалогічне мовлення.
Make up a dialogue about your tastes in music using the questions below.
-         What kinds of music do you like?
-         Do you often listen to music?
-         Do you listen to music when you are working?
-         Do your friends have the same tastes in music as you?
-         What about your parents, do they listen to the same music or they like another one: music of their youth, music of different times?

ІІІ Заключна частина уроку
1.    Домашнє завдання.
T: Your home task is to write a short composition about your last visit to the concert. 

 2. Підведення підсумків уроку. Оцінювання учнів.


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